Cód. 296315483 - Atualizado há 10 dias
CONDOMÍNIO R$ 12.000 /Mês
TOTAL R$ 82.000 /Mês
O imóvel "Conjunto para alugar, 770 m² por R$ 70.000,00/mês - brooklin - são paulo/sp" possui 5 vagas na garagem, aluguel por R$70.000 /mês, condomínio por R$12.000 /mês, 732m² de área e está localizado em Avenida Jornalista Roberto Marinho, Cidade Monções, São Paulo.
Corporate will provide a leasable area of approximately 55,000 m2 of o?ces and retail outlets
distributed throughout its 24 ?oors. Each ?oor will have an area of 2,000 m2. The central core and the 36-foot
minimum lease span will allow for a ?exible lay-out, with options of up to three suites per ?oor. Designed by
architectural ?rm Botti & Rubin, the project is remarkable for its e?cient use of all available space and for
seeking to ensure the users well being. This concept is re?ected in the addition of three terraces on each ?oor.
All ?oors have a panoramic 360º view.
The high-performance glass façade of Tower Bridge Corporate takes full advantage of daylight in the internal
areas, which reduces energy demands and provides a comfortable work environement. The venture will
be built to qualify for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) certi?cation, awarded by the US
based Green Building Council. The NFPA concepts will be attended too. The building will be designed to reduce
operational and maintenance costs to minimize the use of non-renewable environmental resources, and to
improve the air quality inside the building.
The Towers environmental sustainability practices include the installation of central air-conditioning with a
heat-accumulation system, high-performance elevators and optimization of all electrical systems aimed at
substantial energy savings.
Functional ?oor plans focus on e?cient occupancy of all spaces and take full
advantage of natural daylight
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