Cód. 307758136 - Atualizado há 2 dias
IPTU R$ 1.200
O imóvel "Apartamento à venda em burgo paulista - sp" possui 2 dormitórios, 1 suíte, 2 banheiros, 1 vaga na garagem, venda por R$429.000, condomínio por R$500, IPTU por R$1.200, 5.083m² de área total, 5.083m² de área privada e está localizado em Burgo Paulista, São Paulo.
Residencial 3 Coelho! This modern apartment with 50.83 m² is situated in the vibrant neighborhood of Burgo Paulista, São Paulo. Enjoy a cozy 2-bedroom layout, complete with a suite and 2 bathrooms. Experience the comfort of living with amenities like a gourmet space, barbecue area, and playground for the kids. The condominium offers a range of facilities, including a swimming pool, fitness room, and 24-hour security for your peace of mind. Conveniently located near local commerce and services, this apartment is perfect for those seeking convenience and comfort. Dont miss out on this opportunity - schedule your visit today!
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